Wednesday, April 7, 2010

will we ever be parents..

I am very down today... been crying the majority of the day! WILL WE EVER BE PARENTS!? I am so frustrated right now. Do we switch agencies, do we switch regions, can anyone give us some answers please! UGGHH! I just wish someone knew how frustrating this was. Maybe fostering isnt for us, maybe it is and we are going about it the wrong way! I dont understand how there are shelters and childrens homes full of kids that just want a normal life and we are sitting here twiddling our thumbs with a perfect EMPTY room waiting! I DONT GET IT! I just want to be a mom, I just want to love on a child that needs it, I just want to be there to kiss a scraped knee, or make birthday cupcakes!


Sara Beth said...

Well those struggles and waiting and praying was worth it! I am so happy for you two. Ya'll are going to be awesome parents!

Rebecca said...

Amazing the difference a week (less than that!) can make, huh? (o: