Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Got News?!

We got some exciting news yesterday (8/10). Jonathans CASA worker called told me she would be coming to visit and that his next permancy hearing is scheduled for September 1st at 1:00 pm! AHHHH!!! We are so excited that it might be over for him in less than one month. I am still very scared and nervous but praying that God's will is what is best for Jonathan and that we will have understanding minds and hearts if it does not turn out the way we think it should.

As for everyone else that we have told they are pretty excited but one person, and I know they just dont want to see us hurt but I am so angry, its the same family member that was not supportive in the beginning and again I dont expect everyone to understand. I signed up for fostering, not my family, not my friends, not my neighbors, me and Jeremy and I shouldnt set expectation for them but I am just going to be honest, my kids are my kids when they come through our door they are no longer labeled as foster kids nor do I want ANYONE to treat them like that! UNDERSTAND?, GOOD! Ok I am done venting now! Thanks for reading!


Caitlin and John said...

I will be thinking of you guys Sept 1st! That is sooooo exciting, I hope he will be officially YOURS very soon!

The McGuire Family said...

Yay! How exciting. I'll be praying that things will be resolved quickly and painlessly. This is great news!

Unknown said...

We are so excited for you two & Jonathan. We still stand behind our choice to fight to keep him with us and then let her have her chance and then saying this is enough. Maybe it will be you to one day tell him how much we loved & cared and how proud we were that the Kirks came in to his life to change his life forever and be able to provide him with the great life he deserves.Can hardly wait for Sept.1. We will be hoping & praying it goes the way we all feel it should. We love you guys,

Meagan and Jeremy Kirk said...

Mimi, it wont be us telling him that it will be you and Brown Papa! yall arent going anywhere! :)