Tuesday, August 3, 2010

August Already!!!

Wow, how time flies. Just wanted to update anyone who actually cares to read our blog! :) WARNING: This entry might sound like I am rambling!

We just had a state inspection done by licensing which I was extremely nervous about but "no concerns noted" on the report!! YEAAHH!! The man that came made the comment that I have really thought alot about. He said "Yall are the youngest foster parents I have ever dealt with, and yalls home looks great!" As bad as I want to brag and boast I am going to try not to. However, he made a very good point. Most of you probably dont know/realize that I am only 22 and my husband is only 24. We are both still going to college and my husband works a full time job, are we tired?, yes. Do we love our life?, absoultely! We are very young and I hope that we are not judged for that reason. I feel like we manage our home, life, church, and family very well. I praise God for that. I am so thankful that God put my husband and I together because He knew that we would make a great team. I am so thankful for my husband and I feel guilty that I dont tell him or show him enough. We are coming up on our 3rd anniversary next week but it feels like forever, I dont remember much about life without him. November will mark the beginning of the dreaded 7 year "itch" but I am so excited to be one year farther in our relationship! We began dating in November of 2003 for those of you who didnt know! :) (Yes, I was 15)

Now for what you came to read: THE BOYS!
All 3 boys are doing great and we are waiting to add another addition to the family. Yes we might sound crazy but we are soooo excited. One of the bio moms from our children is pregnant and she is due in November. We are kinda stuck because we dont know if we should hold out until November *if* the new baby is placed into care if or if we should take another child before then! We are not really interested in having FIVE!!! haha! Reguardless we are waiting for either another placement or until November.

Christopher and Michael:
They have only had the 2 visits that were in June and their bio mom has been a "no-call no-show" every Friday since then. Their caseworker (CW) has cancelled the visits on my end but the bio mom doesnt know that, so if she was to show up at the CPS office me and the boys would go meet her there, BUT she hasnt came and has not expressed any interested in keeping a realtionship with them. Christopher is 9 months old now and we have had him more of his life than his mom. There was a court hearing on Monday, which lasted about 30 seconds and CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) expressed how great the boys are doing and how she has major concerns with them returning home. None of the parents went to the hearing, which isnt a very good sign. Michael is doing great and we are about to start speech therapy, that I think will help alot. He talks all the time and Jeremy and I can understand him but no one else can, he will learn how to articulate his words more clearly and hopefully learn how to use and control his tongue. (no pun intended) Christopher is rolling over, sitting up and standing with something to hold on too. I think he will be walking before he crawls, if he crawls!

He is doing great! He is registered to start school and he is very excited to be going to "big boy" school. He is also going to start soccer next month! He asked me everyday if he can go play with his team. I hope he likes it when he actually starts playing as much as he likes talking about. Jonathans mom has come to one visit in early June. She will call and set them up frequently but has not followed through with attending the visit. (Another good thing for us and him) He got to fly to Colorado with me in July and loved it. When we boarded the plane, he yells "MOMMY, DID YOU BRING THE BULLETS SO WE CAN SHOOT THE BAD GUYS", I was so nervous we were about to be stuck in the airport and booted from the plane but I guess no one important heard, thank goodness! I have no idea where he comes up with stuff like that but its the imagination of a 4 year old I suppose. He also had a birthday in July and after both birthday parties he manage to get about 50 presents all together! I think he had a pretty good birthday!

Thats about all for now, I am going to try and post the video and if it doesnt work I will post some pictures instead!

Thanks for reading! :)

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