Friday, June 18, 2010


Well she showed up and all went ok I guess. Christopher had a bottle and wasnt supposed to (dr. orders). Michael screamed and cried and kicked and cried and screamed and kicked when they came ang got him from the waiting room. I guess they did ok during the visit. Some lady told me hes been crying the whole time, talking about Christopher. :( The CW did have to go pick her up and she was in her pajama's so I think she probably was planning on coming and CW knocked on the door and surprise she came. I kind of wish they wouldnt do that and they would actually make the parent work to get her kids back. I would have woke up at 4 am and started walking if I didnt have a way to get there, but I wouldnt be in the situation period so I guess I will never be in that position.

Jonathans CW called this morning to tell me her visit was cancelled. I dont see her coming around anytime soon, but we will see.

I pray that God's will be done in both situations and all situations that we will come to in the foster care system. When we move to a bigger house we will be available to take 2 more children and we are contemplating, and praying what we will do. I know if a child needs a home and I can provide for them then I am sure we will not turn them away. Thanks for all the prayers today! :)

1 comment:

Kirkus said...

We love all of you very much!