Thursday, May 13, 2010

Jonathan (aka Big Brother J)

Here are a few pics of Jonathan on his first day with our family. He misses MiMi alot and I hope he adjust well over the weekend. Visits' are going to be tough I have a feeling but I hope he will learn to trust us and love us. After our night time prayers and tucking them into bed, I said "Goodnight boy, I love you" and he replied, "I dont love you, yet." It hurt my heart that a three year old would even have the mind to say that. "YET" can be taken many ways and I am taking it as I will but I dont trust you enough to know that Ilove you. I hope he will learn to love us as we love him. We are going to see MiMi next week if he adjust well over the next 4-5 days.
He loves taking pictures of everything with my camera, and for 3 he is really good at it! Sleeping in his new bed. Jonathan's first night in his new home.
The boys' new bed we bought today!

Jonathon playing with his trucks waiting on dinner to be ready!


jess said...

So happy for you guys 3 wonderful boys how lucky you are.

Unknown said...

Meagan it will take time but I am sure he will grow to love you. He is pretty attached to me cause I am the only stable life he has ever had. thanks for allowing me to be a part of your blog becasuse it does really help me.You are going to be a great mom. Love you guys.