Friday, January 6, 2012

Put me in coach--we're ready to play!

Well the holiday are over, finally! We traveled almost everyday for 3 straight weeks. Needless to say we were glad to be home and enjoy some quality family time while Jeremy was off work for Christmas break.

Our Christmas was great! We enjoyed spending time with lots of family and friends. We went to Stephenville to see our best friends and stayed there for 3 days. We went bowling with ALL our Stephenville family and made lots of memories! The boys got so many gifts at the nine, YES NINE, Christmas celebrations that we have. One thing I really struggled with over Christmas break was how many presents the boys got, when we got home, we filled up a closet with all their gifts. It really bothered me. We spent over $1000 on gifts for other people. Next year I think we are going to give a gift/donation in the name of the person that I would have normally given a present too. Our family is very fortunate to be able to afford everything they want and need. My kids got so many presents they don't even know what they got. We put everything in a closet and we talked to the boys about giving some of their gifts to new foster kids that come in our home, they seemed to agree, so thats what were doing! What bothers me even more is when kids get so much stuff from just their parents...who needs a Wii, 5+ Xbox games, a cell phone, new shoes, karoke machine and tons of other stuff...there are people that do not have anything, simply because their hardworking parents can not afford the basic necessities much less Christmas presents. What really got to me is that we were able to be a blessing to a family in Menard that only had a sweatshirt to bring her newborn daughter home from the hospital, I gathered supplies from friends and family for the baby and was able to set her up for at least a few months with everything she needed. It takes a village to raise a child. What happened to people helping other people!? I wish people cared more about other people. Next year, we will be doing something different for Christmas next year and focus more on celebrating the real reason for the season and not 100's of gifts.

We were licensed on December 14 to foster again and received a few calls during Christmas break but none of them every lead anywhere. On January 2, we got a call at 4:30 pm for 2 year old twins and their 3 year old sister. At 5:30 pm CPS calls and they were on their way home TO OUR HOUSE!!! Whoa--6 kids under 5, yikes! God knew exactly what he was doing. The three kids that came home, couldn't be more perfect for our family and they are adjusting so well to our family dynamics. They have picked up on using their manners and the boys are getting along really well. they came from a very sad sad background--wish I could share more--but it's their story to tell someday. CPS says this will be a long term placement, so were not sure how what the plan is as of now.

Miley is the oldest and she is 3. She loves shopping, talking, and being girly girl! Jaden is the girl 2 year old twin, she thinks she is the boss. Hayden is the boy 2 year old twin and his sisters do all the talking for him. Enjoy the pictures!

1 comment:

Mrs. R said...

Sweet babies! I've been wondering how you are doing. I feel the same way about Christmas, so I tried to do it simply. I knew they'd be getting stuff from me, from their dad, from both sets of grandparents, etc. So Santa brought one gift to each of them, and I got each of them a book. I was so glad not to have TONS of stuff!

And hey, Meagan, could you leave a comment on my blog with your email address? I won't publish it, but I wanted to tell you something.