Friday, May 6, 2011

Sitting on the bench for the first game..

Well Jonathan had a sub today at school. EVERYTIME there is a sub he acts out of control and defiant. I knew leaving the school today he would have a bad day. He didnt go to school yesterday because his morning was so bad. He spit on the other kids, yelled at the babysitter, hit his brother and tons of other stuff. It was cowboy day at school and he was very upset that he didnt get to go, but I KNEW he would have a bad day. Well I guess I should have kept him home today too. He had a great morning and we made his teacher a coffee/candy bouquet (but she wasnt there) for teacher appreciation day. 2 hours into the day the sub called and asked if I could come get him because he was having a bad meltdown. I went right away to get him. When I got to the school I looked in the nurses office through the window and he was kicking and hitting the teacher, oh my, TOTAL meltdown mode. I feel so bad for him. I dont know what to do to make it better or him successful. It is so frustrating because he is good for me, but ONLY me! I know what he is capable of and his poor attitude and explosions are not it! I am working on logical consequences with him, ie. he throws his shoes when he has a tantrum he doesnt get them back the rest of the day. If he rips his shirt off because he is mad he doesnt get it back. Everyday that he has baseball practice I draw a baseball on his hand to remind him to be good at school. Bad day at school=no baseball. Tonight was his first game, he had a bad day-he gets to sit on the bench! I am so sad, we love baseball and we were so excited to get to see him play tonight and he had a tantrum and now he doesnt get to play. Logical consequence is often much harder on me than him, but it is making a difference in his behaviors. He has good days and he has really bad ones, like today! I added a link that explains it a little better than I can, if your interested.

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