Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Great Outdoors

Jeremy and I decided we would invest in an RV!! We were going to take the kids on a big vacation this summer but then changed our minds and decided why not get an RV and take lots of vacations all summer long. We looked and looked and looked and looked and did some more looking. We have a mini van and an Explorer so we had to get something small. We opt'd for a pop up camper. It just the right size and easy to pull behind the Explorer. Here is a few pictures from our first outing. It was a learing experience to say the least! First, I lost my wallet on the way there at Wal Mart, then we get there and something is broke on the camper (we got it fixed), then Biscuit fell out of the camper, then a horrible storm came, good news is-it doesn't leak! We are so excited to go on our next trip to JellyStone Park in Louisana. We are going there for the arrival of our niece and to spend some time with Michael and Biscuit for Spring Break.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love the blog site and I am glad that I finally figured out how to get on it again. Please post more can't wait to see more pictures of the kids and of your and Jeremy's family photos.