Monday, July 1, 2024

South Texas, here we come!!!

Are you surprised?!, if so, we're right there with you! 

We are headed south, a journey that is both exciting and nerve-wracking. We are stepping out in faith, trusting that this move across the state is part of a greater plan for our lives. While the thought of relocating again brings a mix of emotions, we are confident that the opportunities awaiting us in our new home will far outweigh the temporary stress of this transition.

One of the most significant benefits of this move is the improved access to healthcare and therapy for the Littles. Since December, they have been going without essential therapy, but living near a bigger city will offer a wealth of resources that will help them thrive. 

For Michael, the move will give him new opportunities to engage in activities that spark his interest. Similarly, Biscuit and Jax will have fresh opportunities to hone their skills, which is something we eagerly anticipate. Jay is eagerly awaiting his move to San Angelo and start his college career as a Ram in late August! 

The best part of our move is Jeremy's new role as the head baseball coach at Natalia ISD, a 3A school located 30 miles southwest of San Antonio. This position is not only a career milestone for Jeremy but also a source of immense pride and excitement for our family. The groundbreaking of the brand new baseball facilities is set for the first part of September and expected to be ready for the first pitch in the 2025 season! Jaxon keeps reminding us "this will all be worth it when we don't have to mow and water that field every single day!" We also look forward to being with familiar faces on the coaching staff. 

Leaving Electra, especially just seven months after our previous move, was not an easy decision. The hardest part of all is saying goodbye to my amazing job and coworkers, who have been a source of support and friendship and those that have loved our kiddos so well. Additionally, being farther from my sister and Granny Jo is a tough reality to face. However, the opportunities for our family are too significant to pass up and being just two hours away from Del Rio and the beach (and the Strealys) and Jeremy's family is a pretty big perk! We are excited about celebrating birthday and weekend getaways together. 

As we prepare for this new chapter in our lives, we are filled with a sense of excitement and anticipation. We trust that God is leading us on this path for a reason, and we are ready to embrace all the new experiences and opportunities that await us as Natalia Mustangs! If you have any questions, feel free to ask, however, in true Kirk fashion, I probably don't have an answer, all we know is that school starts August 5 and which highway to take to get there! 

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