One thing at a time happened and God told me to get over myself. I came to my senses and decided that this life is what I make of it. If I wanted it to be better, make it better.
Be the change you want to see.
God began putting people in our lives that He knew I would need. Amy, Kimberly, Amanda, just to name a few. Then the football players, one by one became the reason I got up every Friday morning at 5 am and stayed up until after midnight on Friday nights. Then "people we went to church with" became our church family. teachers, coaches, and staff of Nocona ISD.
I slowly began seeing God's purpose. \
During football season I filled my Thursdays with all the coach's wife duties plus some. I was the water boy, manager, trainer, photographer, snack packing, and sideline encourager. We made it through cold nights, hot days, pep rallies, locker room decorating, team breakfast and Friday night road trips. Football season came to and end. I had to stay busy and keep searching for my purpose.
Then Jordan's health took a turn for the worse and I don't remember much of December-February.
We spent night after night in the hospital, trips back and forth to Cook Children's, ambulance rides and so many appointments. The Nocona community showed up in big ways. From meals and fundraisers, prayers, dropping off and picking up the boys, there was so much more that I am probably not even aware of because I was gone with Jordan so much.
We made it through the holidays and it was on to BASEBALL season. Now, every one knows that WE love baseball. We love the spring, we love snow cones and homeruns, team t shirts and new baseball gear.
Like I said at the beginning this season has been the most unique of all. Jordan's unpredictable health has added a new dynamic to how we function as a family. It's a strange balance between staying at home with him because we are literally counting each breath to being able to go watch the JV and Varsity teams. Add a senior {yes, we have a SENIOR, surprise} to the mix and it creates even more of a desire to be in two places at once. I need a clone. I need to be at home and I need to be at the field. When Jordan is well enough for me to be away we are at a baseball field somewhere, doing a community service project, out of town for a tournament, or having team dinner. When he isn't well enough, I usually have my computer in his room, on the floor, beside his bed, editing and downloading baseball pictures, or making Little Indian forms, or trying to recruit players for All Abili-Tee Ball League, or printing uniforms. Have I mentioned we love baseball!?
Most of the programs Jeremy has been a part of I was simply "Coach Kirk's Wife", but this year I have gotten so much more from these boys, the school and community that being "Coach Kirk's Wife" is perfectly okay with me. I hope we can show this group of boys what they have done for us. That traveling to watch them play is an honor. It's more than just a game to watch. I see individuals coming together and creating a team. I see boys that are working so hard and cross that plate with pride. I see boys learning self control and the value of being a good role model. This year's team has started at the very bottom, with the basic of team bonding and good sportsmanship, new uniforms, new positions, and new plays but they are finally meshing and it makes my heart so proud! So even though being a coach's wife is hard and pretty lonely, our group this year makes it worth it. I could do without the 2:30 am phone calls telling Coach to play on cup pong though!
To any parent that may read this:
When I am sitting in the stands or the dug out being the "team momma" know that I love your kid. Your kid is the topic of 90% of the conversations that go on around our kitchen table or in our living room. Know that when your kid is failing a class it stresses our family too. Know that when your kid loses a hat or jersey we look for it. Know that your kid will never go hungry when they forget their money to eat after a game. Know that when your kid comes across home plate or makes that awesome catch I try to get in on camera so you can have that memory forever (and we will definitely talk about it when Coach gets home after he has washed jerseys!) Know that when you trust us to take your kid out of town I feel honored. Know that my babies want to be like your babies . Thank you for sharing your son with us this year!
-Meagan (aka Coach Kirk's Wife)
I don't know if God's plan is to keep us in Nocona forever but I can finally say I am thankful Nocona was in His plan even if its just for a season, or 10!
Go Indians!
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