Thursday, September 19, 2024

When you think you’re not enough and God tells you different.

 Life is full of moments when we question if we’re doing enough, or if there’s something bigger out there waiting for us. Recently, I found myself at one of those crossroads. I applied for a job that felt like it could be a great fit—something in a familiar environment, giving me the opportunity to use my skills that I have acquired through my previous career. Although I’m happy in my current role, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I could offer more somewhere else. 

For days, I went back and forth, weighing whether to step out of my comfort zone, in yet another new job or stay put. I prayed a lot, seeking clarity and wisdom. I reached out to friends, and my sister who had been in similar situations, hoping they could help me find peace in whatever decision I made. Finally, I chose to apply, and not long after, I got the call for an interview.

The interview went well. I walked away feeling confident but unsure if this new path was what I truly wanted. Over the next few days, I was constantly wrestling with myself. Should I leave the job I like, where I know I could just be replaced with another person off the street for something that I am familiar with might be a more valued position. 

In the middle of this internal debate, I received a message from my sweet friend Jeanne. It wasn’t just a text—it was a video. As I watched it, tears streamed down my face. She had listened to her instincts and sent this video at the perfect time. It was a reminder of the impact I already make in my current role. Specifically, it brought me back to the time Jordan was in school. So many people had worked hard to make sure that Jordan’s time in school was as special and joyful as it could be. His time with us, though short, left me with memories that will stay with me forever. Jeanne walked with through my last career and after moving is somewhat unaware of what’s going on in my current job, so the fact that the video spoke to her about my previous job and spoke to me about my current job is a testament of God’s timing. 

The message I received through that video made me realize that whoever steps into my role might not understand the weight of what we do. Being a "teacher's aide" may seem small, but to the students with special needs who come through the classroom doors, it can be life-changing. I know that God has placed me here for a reason, and the relationships I’ve built with my students (and teachers her)  are precious. They are the reason I come to work every day, knowing that I can help create moments that matter.

So, today, I sent an email to the interviewer, rescinding my application. The moment I hit send, I knew in my heart it was the right thing to do. I’m incredibly thankful for the guidance that God provided through my sweet friend. It’s a humbling reminder that sometimes, where we are is exactly where we’re supposed to be. And that’s more than enough.

If you want to be blessed watch the video for yourself. 

Be blessed.