The last 10 days have been the most exhausting, trying, selfish, emotional days I've had in months. I have never made my family sacrifice so much. I have never went days without talking to my boys. But the last 10 days, I have. I have spent 14, 16, 18 hours a day away from my husband and my boys. I have cried more than I'd like to admit. I have neglected my boys. I don't know what projects they've done in school. I don't even know what their grades are. I missed Jeremy's grandmothers funeral. My baby went to Cooks without me. My son has diagnosed with a 2 new conditions. We have hired, fired and had a nurse walk out. I haven't had dinner with my family. I haven't been home to tell them goodnight. They leave at 6 am and I come home at 2 am.
Nursing School is
not easy,
It's long nights and early mornings.
It's not fun.
It's missed milestones, funerals and weddings.
It's leaving your baby while he or she is in the hospital.
It's planning family time around exams.
It's not exciting every day.
It's rewarding.
It's new friendships that turn to family.
It's more tears.
It's not all smiles but some days are easier than others.
It's needing people who you didn't think you needed.
It's not needing people you thought you needed before.
It's changing the laundry at 2 am because you need your uniform.
It's buying an extra watch, pen light, and 32854 notecards.
It's achievements.
It's goals.
It's not for the faint of heart.
It's preparing you to impact lives, change lives, and save lives.
It's Nursing School.
Jeremy has done it all. He has cooked, cleaned, signed homework, went to ARD meetings, scheduled, rescheduled and attended doctor appointments, been to baseball practice and coached Biscuits team. He does the laundry and cleans the bedrooms, grocery shops, runs to the pharmacy, all while working full time plus some. I could not have done it without him. 18+ hour days at the library would have been impossible.
My mom, aunt, and granny have helped us financially, spiritually, emotionally and has supported me from day one. My sister has listened to me vent. My friends have been understanding when I haven't been there for them. My older boys have put smiles on my face on my hardest days, brought me snacks while studying, sent me funny memes and videos singing and playing the guitar and what they don't know is, that's what kept me going everyday. From pushing me to start school to celebrate each passing test grade, they have been my motivation. One of my former students has spent hours tutoring me and celebrated my successes with me. Someone that I met just 4 months ago sitting next to me has become one of my closest friends considering I spend more time with her than anyone was in my life! Our nurses that take care of Jordan night and day and been an ear for me to vent and even those that have helped me review for test. There's been two instructors that will leave a memory in my heart forever, the ones who knew the look of defeat on my face without me saying a work and always offered an encouraging smile and the one that challenged me to always be prepared and taught me the importance of being a confidant nurse! And there's so many more that have supported me on this journey, from the one who encouraged me to apply to the one that's held me while I've cried, some close and some across the world! For each one of you I'll be forever grateful!!
Today, I passed. I passed my first semester of nursing school. I am a senior nursing
student! I still have 7 more months to go but I feel like if I can get through the first semester I can make it to the end. I do not write all of this to "toot my own horn" but to say thank you to everyone who made this first semester a success. It wouldn't have been possible without the prayers from those closest to me, the people in my life, my supportive husband and the motivation my boys give me everyday!
Thank you to EVERYONE who made this possible!
"God has chosen you to fulfill His purpose on Earth, and He has given you the gifts and passion to complete your mission. You don't get to choose your talents, and while these skills are yours--given to you--they are yours to share and help someone else."