What to Expect When Your Expecting- Foster Care Edition
You read right! And YES! its what your thinking! I know you're think were crazy right? We have enough on our plate? Why would we want any more kids? We should just take care of the ones we have? Trust me, if your thinking it we have already heard it and it's OK, we understand why you would think that. We get it, we really do and sometimes we have thought the same things and that's why we closed our home and said we are DONE, done with CPS, caseworkers, visits, bio families, therapy, doctor appointments, case managers, medication logs, training, fire escape drills, dumb rules, and the list goes on.
We have turned in our paperwork, trained for hours, prepared our boys, even bought a bigger car, gathered bouncers, swings, bought diapers, collected clothes, and our home study is complete all while reluctantly saying YES and admitting we were wrong to close our home. We have prayed so many nights about this decision after putting this off for so many months. We have had confirmation that the direction of our life is of the Lord's will and we have never felt so sure that we are fulfilling God's purpose for our life! We're on the list, waiting for the newborn that needs to held, fed, and loved and I hope that you will support our family on this journey (again)!
Along with prayers, extra hands and your support you can help other foster parents and A World For Children by clicking here and following the directions and voting for Brown County- A World For Children for $2500 to be granted to a non-profit organization!
So now that your caught up I am planning on writing a series of post on the subject of foster care. A series of post that will walk you through the good and bad of the days, weeks and months of preparation before bringing a hurt, sad, traumatized child [and their trash bags] into your home. The series will include tips on how to chose the right agency, how to deal with judgmental reactions, how to prepare your home for the [nerve wracking] home-study, the basic necessities, questions you may have and I am hoping to compile a list of resources for when you welcome that first kiddo into your home! Feel free to leave any comments or questions you would like me to address! Hope you enjoy this and bare with me, this is the first series I have ever done!