So I noticed I haven't posted in a while, I never realize how long its been until I log in and notice that months have went by since I have had time to sit down at the computer for a few moments.
Baseball is in full swing around here. The big boys (Varsity) post season fate is in the hands of two other teams and what their records will be at the end of the season. So for now we wait until regular season is over and then we will find out if we get to go to the playoffs. Our baseball parents have been amazing this year, we have some that take pictures for the teams, some work in the concession stand, some keep books, help with the field, some do our sounds system/announcing, some have painted, decorated the field before games, some entertain Jaxon, and we always have a full crowd of supporters, no matter how cold or hot or how far of a drive!! As a coaches wife I don't have any complaints and its safe to say were blessed with a great team and parents and that combo makes for a much happier coach. As for the little boys (Jay's baseball team, the Outlaws) we have our first game on Saturday. Jay was 2 for 2 at their first scrimmage and is excited about another full season of baseball ahead!
Now for the life of a coaches wife review: its GREAT! Life is good! We will be here another year! This is the first time we have been at one school for more than one year. I cant wait to welcome the new coaches wife in (if there is one) and see what next year has planned, I am so happy about seeing our 8th graders go to high school and to continue to build friendship here. Our boys have formed some lasting relationships and so have we. Its been a long time since we have been somewhere were I have close friends, ones that I can call anytime day or night and been somewhere long enough to know who you can and cant trust. Good solid friendships make life so much easier.
We have had our fair share of doctor appointments, therapy, emergencies, etc this year and someone has ALWAYS stepped up to the plate to help our family out. I will be forever grateful of everyone here. Jay and Jaxon have had some medical issues that we are still trying to work out, I will post below if you are curious about it, but I know if it weren't for this community life the last few months would have been much much harder!
On a happier not we ran in the Fox Trot 1 mile fun run as a family and Michael got to join on his bike. He has always wanted to go with us but never been able to and now that he has his bike, thanks to everyone who donated and a local PT that ordered and assembled the bike, he was able to join us!
Now for Jay--its a long story! About 5 weeks ago we noticed that he had been really tired, he fell asleep on a Monday night like normal and didn't wake up until noon on Wednesday with the exception of a few hours of being awake. We took him to our family doctor and he ran some labs and everything was normal. Fast forward to the next week and he did it again so our family doc sent us to Cook Hospital ER and he had some more lab work done and CT scan and some heart test ran. Everything was normal except his heart rate was unusually low, so we were referred to a pediatric cardiologist at Cook. We went to the cardiologist last week (4 weeks after everything started) and he informed me that the labs from the ER were NOT normal and his thyroid hormones was elevated. Our family doctor didnt run test on his thyroid because its so rare for a child to have a thyroid issue, but of course if its rare, one of my children will probably have it! We will see a pediatric endocrinologist next week on the 22nd to see what the game plan is. In the mean time he takes a lot of naps at home and school and is much more sluggish than usual.
Next on the line up is Jaxon. His physical therapist is concerned with his muscle tone on the right side of his body. We have been in therapy for almost 9 months and he has progressed but a lot slower than most. His slow progression could be from his prematurity, a small brain bleed he had a birth, or just that he is slower than other babies his age. We will see a Neurologist a Cook Children's on Wednesday to rule out an neurological problems (hopefully)!
I am looking forward to summer break, to get our daddy back for a couple of weeks! Coaches Outreach for just Coach and I, our mini vacay next month to Great Wolf Lodge and summer vacation to Ruidoso! Our summer is almost packed and were still 45 days away..but who's counting!?