Our lives have been an emotional roller coaster the past month. We know with a lot of faith and God we can get through it and we are now seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. On June 13 Jeremy and I came home from a couples retreat to find out that I was pregnant! 4 kids under 5, it was about to get exciting! The joy only lasted 7 short days when the following Sunday God received a precious new baby to hold. If you have never been through a miscarriage it is one of the hardest things I think I will ever have to go through. You wonder what they wouldve looked like, what you could've done differently, why did God give you this miracle against everything doctors said and then take it away. Lots of what if's but slowly I am learning that we can not ask all the what if's, we just have to have faith that God took her little life early for a reason and one day I will see her again. This time was extremely hard considering we were going to be finalizing the boys adoption very soon.
On a happy note we have added 2 new sets of messy hands to the Kirk family! Michael Douglas and Mason Davis officially became Kirks' on June 20, 2011. It was such a sense of relief to know that they will be with us forever. June 20th was also mine and Jeremy's birthday. I turned 23 and Jeremy turned 25. I couldn't have asked for a better birthday present! Two little boys gave me the best present ever and they didn't even know it!

The day of the boys adoption Jeremy had an interview in Menard for a coach/teacher position at 11 am (the adoption was at 3 pm), we just trusted and had faith that he would be able to make it back in time, as you can see, he did! On Tuesday the school called and asked for more references and Tuesday night they called to offer Jeremy the job. We went and signed housing and job contracts on Thursday, June 23rd and we will be moving July 18th. Its a bittersweet move, we are very excited about starting our new life but at the same time we have been in Stephenville for 7 years and we are going to be leaving everyone we know and the "family" that we have here. We will be Menard Yellowjackets for the 2011-2012 school year. Menard is a VERY small town, population 1400, the closest Wal Mart is 40 miles away, needless to say this is going to be a great opportunity for our new family to bond as one.
We took our youth to camp for the last time this year. It was a great church camp. I would recommend it to anyone, they had a great time and one of the sponsor came through with God's calling to take over the position as youth pastor when Jeremy leaves. I am totally confidant that our time in Stephenville is done and the only thing I was worried about was the youth group, now that God has taken care of that, we are prepared to move on with God's work. We will miss GCBC youth but were excited about what they will be doing this next year with Steven.
We we got back from camp we got news that J's adoption will be final in July, which is a huge blessing considering we can't move until his adoption is final. Jeremy was going to move and me and the boys move after his adoption is final. Well on Friday, July 8 I got a call from our agency and the adoption placement will be on Monday (tomorrow) at 1:00 PM, Monday just happens to J's 5th birthday! An adoption placement just means that we complete all the paper work so that we can have the adoption as soon as the attorney and judge sets a date, we can also call him by his new name, Jonathan "J" Drake Kirk, after tomorrow. J already has a placement review (court date) set for Tuesday July 12, so I called the attorney to see if we could do his adoption in place of a placement review and he said he doesn't see why not, so were hoping to finalize his adoption on Tuesday! :)

Over the weekend we had to put our dog down so that has been tough on the whole family but he was in a lot of pain, old (14), blind and deaf. So the boys are just now getting used to the fact that Ponch is going to be coming back from the dog hospital. Please say a prayer for the boys that they will understand he is better now.
Well that's about all I can think of right now, I am going to close up this blog, because I have got to get packing for the move! Maybe I'll have time to post again after J's court hearing! :)
Here's the video from the boys adoption party and then the video from adoption day! Hope you enjoy! Just click on the link and it should bring a new page and the video should start!
Video Scrapbook of the boys lives with us so far:
Video Scrapbook of their adoption day: