Thursday, September 19, 2024

When you think you’re not enough and God tells you different.

 Life is full of moments when we question if we’re doing enough, or if there’s something bigger out there waiting for us. Recently, I found myself at one of those crossroads. I applied for a job that felt like it could be a great fit—something in a familiar environment, giving me the opportunity to use my skills that I have acquired through my previous career. Although I’m happy in my current role, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I could offer more somewhere else. 

For days, I went back and forth, weighing whether to step out of my comfort zone, in yet another new job or stay put. I prayed a lot, seeking clarity and wisdom. I reached out to friends, and my sister who had been in similar situations, hoping they could help me find peace in whatever decision I made. Finally, I chose to apply, and not long after, I got the call for an interview.

The interview went well. I walked away feeling confident but unsure if this new path was what I truly wanted. Over the next few days, I was constantly wrestling with myself. Should I leave the job I like, where I know I could just be replaced with another person off the street for something that I am familiar with might be a more valued position. 

In the middle of this internal debate, I received a message from my sweet friend Jeanne. It wasn’t just a text—it was a video. As I watched it, tears streamed down my face. She had listened to her instincts and sent this video at the perfect time. It was a reminder of the impact I already make in my current role. Specifically, it brought me back to the time Jordan was in school. So many people had worked hard to make sure that Jordan’s time in school was as special and joyful as it could be. His time with us, though short, left me with memories that will stay with me forever. Jeanne walked with through my last career and after moving is somewhat unaware of what’s going on in my current job, so the fact that the video spoke to her about my previous job and spoke to me about my current job is a testament of God’s timing. 

The message I received through that video made me realize that whoever steps into my role might not understand the weight of what we do. Being a "teacher's aide" may seem small, but to the students with special needs who come through the classroom doors, it can be life-changing. I know that God has placed me here for a reason, and the relationships I’ve built with my students (and teachers her)  are precious. They are the reason I come to work every day, knowing that I can help create moments that matter.

So, today, I sent an email to the interviewer, rescinding my application. The moment I hit send, I knew in my heart it was the right thing to do. I’m incredibly thankful for the guidance that God provided through my sweet friend. It’s a humbling reminder that sometimes, where we are is exactly where we’re supposed to be. And that’s more than enough.

If you want to be blessed watch the video for yourself. 

Be blessed.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Forrest Frank for the WIN!

These past 25 days have been a whirlwind—full of change, challenges, and moments that have pushed me to my limits, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. It started with finally joining the rest of our family in San Antonio after two long weeks, giving Starla a much-needed break and helping her settle into her new home. But there was no time to catch my breath, as the next four days were a mad dash to attend convocation, teacher orientation, meet the teacher, and somehow unpack both my classroom and our house before the school year kicked off. Thank God for Jeannette, who swooped in to help, moving boxes of pictures on the floor to up to up on the walls making our house feel like a home, complete with pizza and a Dollar Tree scavenger hunt making the madness bearable.

And then, just like that, it was the first day of school. Michael's a junior now, Biscuit's stepping up as a freshman, Jaxon began Junior High as a 6th grader, Jett's in 2nd, and Maddie Jo is officially a kindergartener. Jeremy's new title is head baseball coach and CTE teacher, and I'm juggling my new position teaching EKG and phlebotomy, while also supporting Life Skills students at the Junior High. If you can't tell from the picture my classroom is pretty bare too. I hope to get some more things with time but here is my wishlist if you feel the urge to go shopping!  (Meagan's Classroom Wishlist) The start of this school year has been one of the toughest yet, but there have been bright spots—like the family coaching photos, afternoons at the neighborhood pool, fireworks in New Braunfels, and house warming gifts and birthday dinners with Jeremy’s parents.

We've discovered new favorites, like those Cosmc's drinks Jaxon hilariously called "moonshine" (it's "Moonlight," but close enough, right?), and I’ve been surprised by Biscuit’s dedication as the JV quarterback. There were beach days, quality time with Amber and Stephen, and celebrating Hunter’s birthday with swimming and cupcakes. A visit from Jamie, Chris and Hunter couldn't have come at a better time. But then, there was the heaviness of another birthday and Heavenday, remembering sweet Jordan. That weight is something I carry with me, even in the moments of joy and those that remembered with a text, call, card or cookie delivery, thank you. so. much. 

Maddie Jo’s surgery was supposed to be routine, just an outpatient thing, but complications turned it into a three-day hospital stay in Fort Worth. Those days were scary and exhausting. Seeing her need oxygen was new and terrifying, but she’s doing better now—still not 100%, but on the mend. 

The constant challenges over the last few weeks were enough to break me and it’s in those moments that I find myself shaking my fist at God, asking why He led us here, provided us with a handicap-accessible home, a job that aligns with the kids' schedules, only to let everything feel like it’s crumbling around me. Where are my people? The ones who get my sarcastic humor, who can make me laugh until I cry? Where are my Megan, Casey, Michelle, Stacy, Macy, Jamie, Laci, Kari people, the people that made hard things not so hard? It’s hard to feel happy without people to laugh with. What is my purpose? I'am not fulfilled when I don't know my purpose. Show me God, please! 

Every day has been filled with tension, like I’m bracing for the next issue. This blog post doesn't even begin to touch on the struggles. Stress, grief, fatigue—they’ve all frozen me in place, making it hard to even respond to a text. But my sister keeps checking in, nudging me until I finally respond. It’s been a rough road, and when people ask, “How are you doing?” I’m not sure they really want to know. I’m tired of feeling like I’m always complaining, but the struggle is real. And now Jay—who, a year ago, I couldn’t imagine living without—has left for college without a proper goodbye, and it feels like a punch to the gut. I had dreamt of taking him shopping for his dorm, but instead, it was just a Walmart pickup order sent to his new town while I was at Maddie's bedside at Cook Childrens. Everything feels so hard right now.

We’ve started searching for a church and found LifeChurch of SA. It’s close to home, and while it’s smaller and we are hard to miss with our crew, they’ve been so welcoming. Today’s sermon was on The Salt Covenant—God’s promise not to forsake us, even when it feels like the enemy is surrounding us. And believe me, these last 25 days, that’s exactly how it’s felt. The pastor reminded us that all we have to do is cry out to Him, and while I know that in my spirit, my heart has been paralyzed by the trials we’ve been facing. Last night, I woke up over and over, wondering how I can encourage others who are struggling. I can’t fix it, I can’t offer a guaranteed solution, but I can tell you this: You are not alone. And sometimes, that’s enough—especially when, like me, you feel really alone right now.

If you’re feeling surrounded by the enemy, I invite you to take some time and listen to the sermon we heard today here. You can skip the worship and the ending if you want, but I encourage you to listen to the message. It brought me some peace, and I hope it does the same for you.

As we begin week four of this new life in a new place, we’re trying to move forward with hope that the future will be better than the last few weeks. The house is finally unpacked, the garage is cleaned, and the yard is groomed. This weekend I met two special needs parents and was able to share about JPN and provide them with resources and supplies. We’re finding our rhythm with school, and Maddie’s nurse officially starts tomorrow. There’s a sense of settling in, and we have a trip to Morgan’s Wonderland on the horizon—a little something to look forward to. It’s been a challenging start, but we’re hoping that with each new day, things will get a little easier. 

I am a sucker for a good worship song to listen to on repeat for our morning commute and currently this is the anthem and after this mornings sermon we will crank it up and cry out to Him, declaring, "I'M BOUT TO HAVE GOOD DAY!" 

Friday, July 5, 2024

The mystery has been solved... and we are Mexico bound!

 A Mystery Donor and How God Met Our Needs for Mexico and Haiti

For the past few weeks, I’ve been stressed about the lack of funds raised for our mission trip to Casa Hogar Vision de Amor children's home in Acuña, Mexico. With a few people backing out of the trip, our fundraising efforts took a significant hit. Little did I know that the stress wasn't just on me but on another one of our team members, Kimi. As she prayed and asked God for help yesterday morning on her way to work, she felt in her spirit to fast until God revealed the peace she needed. She was obedient and fasted.

Switching gears to Haiti for a minute—if you haven't seen the destruction Haiti is facing right now, a quick search on TikTok will show you the devastating situation. Be warned, it’s bad. The feeding clinic there, which Joy Project Network (JPN) supports, is in desperate need of formula. I have the formula here in Electra, but the cost to ship it is not cheap.

Yesterday evening, around 10 pm, I boxed up all the formula, weighed it, and set it aside, not confident in shipping it until we had raised all the money for Mexico. Time was running out. Would we sacrifice items for Mexico or formula for Haiti? Both needs are equally important.

As I climbed into bed at 12:15 am, my phone dinged. I picked it up and saw that we had received a sizable donation via JPN's CashApp. I was confused because I didn’t recognize the name, and it was after midnight. The donation was the exact amount needed to fund the rest of the trip to Mexico, which would allow me to ship the items to Haiti. This can’t be real!?

I immediately texted a few people who might know the person. Interestingly, the mysterious donor and another team member share the same name, but that team member had no idea who this person was. I started to panic, thinking we had been scammed. CashApp instructed me to verify my identity multiple times, which felt strange too. I decided to unlink my bank accounts because the situation seemed too weird.

A quick Facebook search led me nowhere. A Google search revealed that the "mystery donor" was in Cyber Security. Cue the real panic. Kimi responded to my message about the mystery donor and found him. He was a real person. But how could he possibly know how much money we needed to fully fund our trip?

I checked out his mutual friends, and it turned out that another team member, Carina, had shared about our trip with the mystery donor. He generously donated the remaining money needed for us to complete our mission!

Through our mystery donor, we all witnessed the fruit of Kimi’s obedience, Carina sharing her heart with her friend, and the providence of God. The $2900 worth of formula can now be shipped to Haiti, and our trip to Mexico is fully funded. Through it all, God made a way for every need to be met, just like He promises.

We are in awe of how God works through the hearts of people and orchestrates events in ways we could never imagine. This experience has strengthened our faith and reaffirmed that when we trust in Him, He will provide for our every need. Thank you to everyone who has supported us, and to our mystery donor—your generosity has made a profound impact on both Mexico and Haiti and each member of our team! 

We are still in need of a few items from our Amazon wishlist. If you would like to help us finish our list off you can purchase items and have them sent directly to the children's home director. Shop our Wishlist!